March 24th Whitetail Deer Photos

It was tough picking the pictures for the page this week. We went through the pictures and only had about four selected so we had to go back through them to find some interesting ones to post. It's the opposite when the bucks all have their antlers when we have in excess of 50 good pictures to choose from. We also got two more bobcat pictures this time but neither of these pictures were good enough to post. One picture captured only a close up of its tail and hind legs and the other was too far away.

After all of this we did find some pictures we thought were interesting. This time of the year the turkeys start strutting and entertaining us and there are usually a few other animals that show up to spice things up a bit as well.

A neighbor also found a shed antler that revealed that another buck made it through the season. It was a thick necked eight point that we had a half dozen or so pictures of so we'll be looking for him again this summer and fall.

These pictures were taken with our EagleEye, Trail Watcher 2060, homemade WhitetailCam P41 and Trail Watcher 2040.

Landing crow

Here is a crow swooping in for a landing. I've been amazed at how many birds we catch in flight.

Strutting turkeys

Two deer just want a bite to eat while two turkey gobblers are trying to impress the ladies in the background.

Button buck

I think this must have been a button buck because it looks like his antlers are trying to push their way up through the hair.

Close up whitetail doe

This is one of those pictures you throw on here when the going is tough, a close up of a doe with snow on her nose.

Three feeding whitetail deer

We liked this picture of three deer in a row eating out of the same trough while it was easy to see that the other trough still had feed in it.

Frost on a whitetail deer

This was a real cold and miserable day when the rain turned to ice on the tree limbs. It looks like this deers hair was frozen standing on end.

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