March 26th Whitetail Deer Pictures

This album of Whitetail Deer Pictures contains digital scouting camera pictures taken in the weeks before March 26, 2005. Once again our EagleEye filled the memory card with 211 pictures. The Leaf River held 25 pictures on it's internal memory. I had to take the memory card home with me the last time since I forgot to take the card reader with me. The bucks have all lost their antlers at this point and it's now a little difficult finding the bucks at all. We've been looking for the buck that we called double white throat patch since he lost his antlers as well as the one that had a wound between his front shoulders but haven't been able to identify them lately. The raccoons used a tree branch to get to one of our feeders and we caught him on one of the cameras. We'll have to watch where we set our feeders. It's food plot time now, so we'll probably be putting at least one of our cameras at a food plot later this fall.

Leaf River Whitetail
I supposed those are eyes you can see in the background.

Picture of raccoons and deer.
We finally caught the raccoons in action. He's not easy to see but there is one hanging on the feeder and two on the ground. The deer is taking advantage of the extra corn that he's knocking off. We found that the raccoon had climbed down a limb right to the feeder.

Wary whitetail deer.
I like this picture right at sunrise. All of the deer are looking in the same direction. They must have heard something. It's looks like the crows are also looking in the same direction.

Turkey Gobbler
Here's a nice turkey gobbler. We had several pictures of turkeys and some nice gobblers this time.

Young whitetail deer.
It looks like this young deer was curious about our digital scouting camera. He looks like one of those brown noser deer!

Whitetails on the run.
This is the view of whitetail deer that we usually see the most. I don't know why these deer were running away but you sure can get some interesting pictures with a scouting camera.

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