March 9th Whitetail Pictures

It had been just over five weeks since I had visited our hunting property and checked our cameras. We lost track of how much snow we have had but it's my opinion that we've had more than enough. Finally March 9th gave us a beautiful day in the high 50's.

Our feeders had clogging problems with junk in the corn that limited deer activity but two of our cameras were still working when we showed up so we had pictures ranging the entire five weeks.

As we thought on our last visit in early February, the bucks have all lost their antlers so we're down to looking for the most interesting pictures. Hopefully you'll find some interesting ones in this set.

We didn't get any bobcat or coyote pictures, but we did have a coyote walk up to one of the feeders after we had retrieved our cameras. It makes you wonder what they were looking for.

This weeks pictures were taken with our Trail Watcher 4220, Treebark Cameras 4.1,Bigfoot SLE, Trail Watcher 2060 and Woodland SpyCam.

Whitetail Buck

Although the bucks have lost their antlers we can still pick them out. Bigfoot SLE

Deer with snowy nose

Sometimes you have to stick your nose into it to get something to eat. Woodland SpyCam

Feed trough buck

It's good to see the bucks still showing up. Woodland SpyCam

Buck with broken leg

These pictures aren't the easiest to look at but I would like to keep an eye on the broken leg buck. Trail Watcher 2060

Whitetail Close Up

A nice close-up always fits in and I think this is a buck. Trail Watcher 2060

Deer in the snow

How about this for a picture of deer in the snow? Trail Watcher 4220

Whitetails in the snow

A view from the other feeder when the snow showed up. Treebark Cameras 4.1

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