May 18th Deer Photos

It is getting interesting watching the bucks grow their antlers. We're still having a very hard time trying to identify different bucks, but that is part of the fun of it.

Exactly how many different bucks we have that already have brow tines and are branching out we have no idea. Out of the six pictures below I would say we have at least three different bucks.

The food plots are starting to look real nice but the deer haven't flocked to them yet. We haven't started to get a high number of pictures at the plots yet but I have noticed that we have started to get some pictures of deer eating in them. Sooner than later they will come to the plots.

We got our first coyote picture this May, make sure you check out the coyote picture page.

These pictures were taken with our StalkerCam, Treebark Cameras 4.1 and Bigfoot SLE.

Four point buck in velvet

One of the bucks with branched brow tines. Bigfoot SLE

Close buck picture

This buck shows a little more width. Bigfoot SLE

Whitetail buck in velvet

This may be the same buck, or it may not be. Bigfoot SLE

Velvet antlered buck

Another buck with branched brow tines at a different mineral lick. Treebark Cameras 4.1

Four point velvet buck

This buck is starting to get wide as well. Treebark Cameras 4.1

Six point buck in velvet

This buck has started to grow its G2's. StalkerCam

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