May 19th Whitetail Deer Photographs

After seeing the young deer with several growths on it's face we were looking for it again. We didn't get any more pictures of it, but we did see it live and in person. It is a young deer and was jumping around like any healthy young deer. Where we saw it this week is about a mile from where we got a picture of it the week before.

One bucks antlers are starting to branch and we can now tell that we have pictures of at least three bucks. Most of them look like young bucks.

It's different having the scouting cameras at food plots now but we're getting a good idea of the traffic at each plot. One plot seems to have a lot of traffic while the others are a bit slow so far this spring. Of course some of them haven't even grown their first sprouts yet. It's going to be fun watching the plots grow and finding out when the deer start using them.

These pictures were taken with our Digital Scout, an EagleEye and an Moultrie GameSpy 200.

Two fighting whitetail deer.

Here is our best fighting deer picture yet, or, was this just a high five. Do you suppose they always walk around on their hind legs when we're not around?

Food Plot Doe

We caught this doe entering a food plot. Notice the wooden ladder, I had a stand here last deer season and maybe again this year.

Three whitetail bucks

You can see three bucks in this picture. We know we have at least three bucks still hanging around.

Whitetail Buck

This bucks brow tines have branched off. NOtice the piece missing out of his left ear. This will give us a way to identify him.

Whitetail buck with split ear

Here is the same buck with the funny left ear. We knew it had a funny ear when we saw it in more than one picture.

Two whitetail Bucks

These two bucks must have heard the shutter open on the camera and are staring right at it.

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