May 19th Whitetail Deer Photos

We've retrieved another set of deer photos and we're now starting to compare the antler growth of the bucks to the growth that we saw this time last year. If I were forced to make a decision at this point in time I'd have to say that antler development may be a little behind this year, but it's still early. I know that the date is only one factor in antler growth so I'll see how they grow over the next few weeks before I make any judgements. It's been interesting to see that the bucks antlers have started to spring up but seemed to have stalled at a couple inches above the hairline.

Since our bucks are nothing special to look at yet we've picked some interesting pictures this week rather than our stubby antlered bucks. I guess you could call this our week of odd and/or interesting pictures. Unfortunately we didn't capture any bobcat or coyote pictures this week and it's been quite a while since we've had a coyote show up in front of one of our cameras.

One interesting thing we've noticed recently is that we are now getting more pictures at our mineral licks than at our feeders. They are definitely drawn to our mineral licks this time of the year.

These pictures were taken with our homemade WhitetailCam, Trail Watcher 2060 and Trail Watcher 2040.

Coon and whitetail deer

I think this raccoon is trying to be the boss here. I like the interesting look on the deers face and its ear position.

Pregnant doe

Do you think this doe is pregnant?

Doe close-up

Here's a close up for you. She has her nose flared like a horse.

Whitetail buck

We're hoping this bucks visits to this mineral lick will add to his antler size.

Deer and Squirrel

Another funny interaction between a young deer and another animal, this time a squirrel.

Whitetail deer fight at a mineral lick

This deer is a little upset at losing its spot at the mineral lick.

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