May 9th Deer Photos

The bucks have started to branch out their main beams and brow tines so we have some differences in growth among different bucks. From looking back at last years pictures from the same time it looks like antler growth may be a little ahead of last year. I'm not quite sure if this means anything since I have also noticed different bucks kicking in growth at different times, but we might as well consider it a good sign.

The mineral licks have been the big draw so far. We put two cameras at each lick this week to make sure we catch most of the visitors.

The deer still aren't attacking the food plots yet so the plots have popped up nicely the past couple of weeks. Past years have shown us that the deer will eventually move to the plots and hit them real hard before long.

We didn't get any bobcat or coyote pictures this week, but we're still looking.

These pictures were taken with our StalkerCam, Treebark Cameras 4.1, Bigfoot SLE and Camtrakker Digital Ranger.

Velvet four point buck

Here is a buck that has started his main beam growth and he looks like he may have good sized bases. Bigfoot SLE

Sparring Deer

Do you think this is a mis-match? Camtrakker Digital Ranger

Wide velvet buck

Another buck that has started branching off his main beams. Camtrakker Digital Ranger

Buck stuck in mud

Sometimes the mineral licks get pretty muddy. Do you think this buck got his hoof stuck? StalkerCam

Two bucks

Two bucks at the same mineral lick. StalkerCam

Velvet Buck

Another buck with a good start, or the same buck as some of the previous pictures? Treebark Cameras 4.1

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