Moultrie 200 Trail Camera Picture Quality

We gave the Moultrie 200 trail camera a B for picture quality. Overall, the picture quality is good. An A grade for picture quality is difficult to achieve since the Sony 4.1 megapixel cameras set the bar high.

When compared to the A grade digital trail cameras the color from the Moultrie 200 are just not as sharp.

One other slight problem I can see with the pictures is that the flash is a little strong at night and washes out the close deer a little. I’ll have to admit that I’ve been putting the camera real close to the feeder since I had been having trouble getting the Moultrie to take any pictures at all. When the deer are just a few more feet away from the unit the pictures are fine.

Moultrie trail camera picture

Moultrie 200 trail camera picture

These are two of the washed out picture, you can see that they aren’t too bad. The deer are pretty close.

Overall most of the pictures looked more like the following pictures. These pictures were taken in the late morning, evening, early morning and of course at night.

Daytime Moultrie 200 trail camera picture

Evening Moultrie trail cam picture

Morning Moultrie picture

Moultrie trail cam picture at night

The picture quality of the Moultrie 200 trail camera is much better than the earlier Moultrie. I’m glad to see this but I wish they had also improved the poor activation. It took two months to get enough pictures to grade the picture quality. If Moultrie comes out with a third generation trail camera I hope they address this issue.

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