Moultrie Picture Quality

We gave the Moultrie a D- for picture quality on the Game Camera Review Page. I'm saving the F for a scouting camera that doesn't take any pictures at all.

So far from the pictures that we have received the picture quality is far and away the worst of all of the digital scouting cameras that we have used. After seeing these pictures some of the other cams got grade upgrades.

Any picture taken with the flash is washed out badly. The Moultrie isn’t stingy with the flash at dawn and dusk like some of the other cameras but it washes everything out. If the animal is very close to the camera at all it is bad and you want to get the animals as close as possible for a good look.

From what we have seen so far pictures taken as late in the morning as 7:29 AM and as early in the evening as 7:10 PM are washed out. Here is what they look like.

Moultrie digital picture

Moultrie digital picture

This is a picture taken at 7:00 AM. You can tell that it is a buck but the picture is washed out badly.

Moultrie digital deer picture

Here again at 7:32 in the evening you can see that it is most likely an eight point buck but it is impossible to see any detail.

Moultrie whitetail photo

Thirty percent of the pictures taken would be considered good. Good pictures are taken when the sun was shining and the flash did not trigger. These are not real bad, there just aren’t enough of them.

Moultrie whitetail deer picture

Moultrie deer photograph

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