Moultrie Game Spy M60 Picture Quality

The picture quality for the Moultrie Game Spy M60 is very disappointing. With the 6.0 MP capability and the improvement with this camera over prior Moultrie trail cameras I hoped that the picture quality would also improve but it is not as good as the Game Spy 200. I gave it a C- for picture quality.

In the daylight when the flash does not go off the pictures are good. They are not as good as pictures from real digital cameras but they are good.

In dusk and at dawn when the flash goes off the pictures are washed out bad. The terrible thing about this is that most deer movement is at these times of the day.

At night in total darkness the pictures are OK depending on how close to the camera the deer is. Deer that are close are still lit up too much but pictures of deer that are farther away are much better.

I also placed the Moultrie Game Spy M 60 at a food plot to see how the picture quality compared to that at the feeder. The pictures were somewhat better since most of the deer were farther away, but deer that were close were still washed out.

Moultrie has put out a software update for these cameras on their website. I have downloaded the update and installed it, but I haven't noticed any improvement in with the flash washout issue.

This first picture was taken at 6:28 PM and is a good picture

Moultrie 60M Daytime picture

This picture was taken at 6:59 PM and you can see how badly it is washed out by the flash.

Moultrie 60M picture at dusk

This picture was taken at 7:32 PM and you can see that it is a little better as the sun continues to do down but it is still washed out.

Moultrie 60M picture

This picture was taken after midnight and isn't too bad.

Moultrie 60M picture at midnight

This picture was taken just before sunrise. The deer is closer to the camera and is slightly washed out by the flash.

Moultrie 60M picture at night

This picture is after sunrise and again the flash has washed the picture out.

Moultrie 60M morning picture

Since most deer activity is during the early morning and late evening hours the washed out pictures from the Moultrie Game Spy M60 are very disapointing. Most of the pictures are at least somewhat washed out by the flash. We're just not happy with the picture quality. I feel Moultrie had better picture quality with the older Game Spy 200.

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