June 10th Food Plot Update
Mowing Food Plots
The Weed Killer

In the garden food plot the clover has continued to grow. The weeds and grasses were starting to grow higher than the clover and need to be mowed. The deer have discovered it and seven were seen eating in it in the evenings. Hopefully the deer do not eat the clover down too much and let the weeds and grasses take over. We were not able to mow it on this visit even though it would have been nice to nip the weeds and grass down to the height of the clover. We have been getting a good bit of rain and it kept us from getting to mow it on this visit.

The clover at the old house looked real good. After mowing the food plot on the last visit the clover has thickened. This plot looks like a sea of clover. The weeds and grasses have not grown back above the clover.

The old corn patch plot had two deer hanging out in it a lot. This plot is getting used steadily and is one of the smaller plots. It will be interesting to see how it survives the summer with this pressure on it. We need to mow this food plot again as soon as we get a chance.

The middle food plot is grown up with weeds and grasses and probably needs mowed again soon.

It looks like we’ll be replanting one or two of these plots this fall.

As mentioned previously we have been getting a lot of rain, and the rain kept us from mowing the food plots that needed it.

I am wondering what if anything I should be doing differently when I plant the next time. I could spray round up to kill everything before I plant or use a product to kill the grasses but both of these have costs associated with them and may not be more economical than replanting. I would have to buy the products and also something to use on our ATV to spray the herbicide with.

If I try to kill the vegetation I still think that the disking would bring up dormant seeds that jump up when brought back close to the surface. Time is also a factor as it adds more time to the planting process if you have to apply the herbicide in the weeks ahead of disking. An herbicide that just takes out the grass may be the wisest choice while taking out the weeds with mowing. We’ll have to look into these options through the summer.

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