November 10th Deer Pictures

This was an interesting week of pictures. The bucks are less interested in food so getting pictures at the regular feeding spots wasn't as easy as it was earlier in the fall. The good side to this is that the bucks are moving and we did catch one new buck we hadn't seen before.

Except for one poor quality picture we don't have a picture to show you of the ten point we had been seeing. The good news is that we did see this buck on two occassions on this visit. On the 11th he came walking through the hayfield at about 10:00 AM. Ryan tried to stalk close to him but was quickly busted.

It will be interesting to see which bucks have wandered off. This happens every year and this year should be no exception. Hopefully we'll see some of the new bucks stick around.

We also got one more new coyote picture.

These pictures were taken with our StalkerCam, Trail Watcher 2060, EagleEye and Woodland SpyCam.

Split brow tine buck

You can't see his antlers very well here, but this is the buck we saw last week that has two split brow tines. EagleEye

Small eight point buck

A small eight point buck visiting the same scrape. EagleEye

Seven point buck

Our crazy looking seven point buck. Woodland SpyCam

Tall racked eight point buck

One of our young eight point bucks under the apple trees. Woodland SpyCam

Nine point buck

The nine point buck we have been watching for several months. Trail Watcher 2060

Tall racked ten point buck

Is this the same buck as the previous picture? Trail Watcher 2060

Eight point buck

This is an eight point buck that we haven't seen before. He looks like a nice mature buck. StalkerCam

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