November 11 Whitetail PicturesThis time of November has been a great picture week in past years, but this was a tough week this year. In the past we'd gotten pictures of different bucks along with our regulars at this time of November. Why is this year different? I don't know, but I suspect it could have something to do with the abundance of food in the woods this year. We just didn't get much with any of our cameras. I had four cameras at feeders, one at the apple trees, three at scrapes, one at a mineral lick and food plot and one on an oak ridge. I didn't get much at any of these cameras. The buck that I got the most pictures of was the nine point with a split brow tine. That's interesting because he's showing up at the cameras but we haven't seen this buck in person yet. I think we did get at least one picture, and in some cases only one picture, of each of our regular bucks, but some weren't good enough to put on the page. We got another fox picture this week and it was good enough to make the fox pictures page. Why this fox is hanging around our place now and getting on camera I have no idea. This weeks pictures were taken with our Treebark Cameras 4.1, Woodland SpyCam, Penns Woods DS-07 ,Camtrakker Digital Ranger and Bigfoot SLE. ![]()