November 14th Deer Photos

This was an interesting week of pictures. We didn't get pictures of some of our regulars but we got pictures of what may be a couple different bucks and the big eleven point buck showed up again. We also noticed that the bucks were not regulars at any location so I guess they are chasing the ladies.

We heard reports that a tall racked ten point buck was killed across the hollow from our place and the speculation was that it was the buck that we had seen earlier in the fall. Since we didn't see the buck it's hard to tell if it is the same buck. You never know, it could be a completely different buck and the tall ten we had seen may show up again in front of our cameras.

We didn't get any bobcat or coyote pictures this week, but the neighbors are still hearing the coyotes so check back.

This weeks pictures were taken with our Treebark Cameras 4.1, Swamp Ghost, Bigfoot SLE, Trail Watcher 2060, EagleEye and Woodland SpyCam.

Whitetail Buck

This buck doesn't have the biggest antlers, but he sure has a big neck and body. Bigfoot SLE

9 Point Buck

We set up a camera on a scrape in a different area and caught this nine point buck. EagleEye

Eight point buck

Here is a picture of an eight point buck at another scrape we monitored. Woodland SpyCam

Two Eight Point Bucks

You can tell these two eight point bucks apart when pictured together, but when they show up one at a time it's hard to tell how many eight point bucks we have hanging around. Swamp Ghost

Nine point buck

This is our regular nine point buck at the feeder. Trail Watcher 2060

Eleven Point Buck

This isn't the greatest picture, but we were glad to see this eleven point buck again. Trail Watcher 2060

Buck Picture

I think we have pictures of this buck at both feeders. We haven't seen the same buck at both feeders much this year so far. Treebark Cameras 4.1

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