November 15th Deer Pictures

Our cameras were out for only three days before we arrived to collect our pictures this time so we didn't have the high volume of pictures that we usually have, but we still have a few pictures for you to look at.

Most of the regular bucks showed up in this set but we didn't get any new bucks. We also have noticed that a couple of bucks are no longer showing up in our pictures. I don't know if they have wandered off or if they have been shot elsewhere. This is someting we see each year.

We had a tough camera week. I'm not sure if the rainy and cold weather was to blame but I've made some changes to try and see what is happening.

In this short week we didn't get any bobcat or coyote pictures this time, maybe next week.

The rut is upon us and the bucks are very unpredictable. We have seen this on both our digital trail cameras and while out in our stands. Soon they'll be back to more normal patterns.

These pictures were taken with our StalkerCam, Trail Watcher 2040, Trail Watcher 2060, EagleEye and Woodland SpyCam.

Nine point buck

We caught our regular nine point buck at this licking branch/scrape. EagleEye

Seven point buck

Our crazy looking seven point buck. I would like to get a look at this one. Woodland SpyCam

Small eight point buck

Here is on of our small eight point bucks walking past a scrape. Trail Watcher 2060

Tall racked eight point buck

This is a promising young eight point that we see at several places each week. Trail Watcher 2060

Eight point buck

This is another one of our promising eight point bucks. StalkerCam

Ten point buck

The only picture of the ten point buck we got this time. Trail Watcher 2040

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