November 21st Deer Season Journal

Another cold morning greeted us on Tuesday with temperatures in the 20's.

I sat in a blind at the far end of our property looking over a flat below and a hillside to my left. Another two hours produced one deer sighting over the hill below me. For some reason it came from I don't know where and left in a hurry.

After two hours I took the blind down and took it to the oldhouse and set it up.

When I got back to the house the excitement for the day showed up when our neighbor brought out a coyote that he killed in the morning. It looked like a young one that weighed about 25 pounds.

Dead Coyote

I set up both feeders after leaving them idle for the summer and early fall. I'd like to see what is still around if they'll come for a bite to eat.

I sat at the oldhouse in the evening and nothing came to visit.

My brother-in-law stayed in the same area that he hunted yesterday and saw two bucks in the morning. One looked like a six point and the other one left before he could identify it. A set of frosted up binoculars didn't help the identification.

When Ryan returned he saw a nine point buck in the old garden. He said it looked like a pretty nice buck that we hadn't seen before.

It was a beautiful day with temperatures in the low 40's and sunshine.

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