November 23rd Deer Season Journal

The frost gave us another crunchy walk in the morning woods although it wasn't quiet as cold as the last couple of days.

I took up a roost at the middle clearing in one of our blinds. At about 8:15 a button buck came in to eat corn at the feeder and he ate for about 20 minutes and then walked over past the mineral lick and laid down. He stayed there for about an hour before getting up to have another bite to eat.

In the afternoon we did some repair work on the feeder at the oldhouse and rearanged our cameras. The game cameras showed us that two young bucks visited the feeder at the middle clearing and a four point visited the feeder at the oldhouse over the night.

For the evening I spent a short time in a treestand and then went to the oldhouse to watch the newly repaired feeder to see if it would operate correctly. Fortunately it did.

At 4:15 a doe came to the food plot and started drinking water out of the mineral lick. A few minutes later a four point buck came out of the woods and immediately started hounding the doe. They both disappeared into the woods and I could hear them running around over the hill.

About 15 minutes later they both showed up again and performed the same act for me all over again.

Finally at 5:15 the four point came walking in the road toward the feeder and food plot and angled into the woods. Here is a picture of him.

Small four point buck

Tim went to his usual spot off of the end of the hayfield and saw a spike at late morning.

Ryan chased several does around in the hayfield until dark again tonight. I think they're getting used to him. Maybe tomorrow he take a shot at one.

The biggest excitement of the day came when a decent looking seven point buck showed up in the yard at 6:15 right after Thanksgiving supper was over. He was the best buck we've seen all week although it was a little past shooting hours. He was a big four point with two nice brow tines and one additional point on one side.

It was the warmest day this week so it's no wander the deer seem to be holding tight in the afternoon but I'm surprised by the lack of deer movement in the early morning hours.

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