November 24th Deer Season Journal

Friday morning came much too early after a game of Monopoly kept me up until midnight and especially after conceding the game to Ryan. He decided to sleep in.

I headed to the feeder and middle clearing food plot and was in my blind by about 6:50 AM. The action started at about 7:30 when a button buck showed up soon followed by a spike that had trophy one inch long spikes. About 15 minutes later a small five point buck came along.

The five point eventually walked in my direction, toward the food plot, where he stopped to lick a licking branch and urinate in an old scrape.

I had set out a bottle of doe urine in front of the blind and he seemed to want to get closer. He approached to within less than ten yards before he didn't like the looks of me in that blind. I took the opportunity to get my camera out and he came back for one more sniff. The button buck continued to hang around in the food plot as well.

Here is a picture the five point and button buck. You can't even see the five points antlers in this picture. You'll have to take my word on this one.

Five point buck from my blind

In the afternoon Ryan and I visited a couple of my old hunting haunts and spent a little time. We didn't see any deer but we did find one large rub.

Large deer rub

For the evening Megan decided to join me so we headed to the woods in front of the house. So far this week the two biggest bucks we've seen have been within 100 yards of the house.

Shortly after we sat down two does came up looking for us and ran off after trying to get us to move. I think the sun was shining bright off of my glasses. I know they didn't see us move. We saw them before they saw us, but it was as though they were looking for us.

After about 45 minutes we got up and headed out the hillside a little ways when Megan decided to stop and take a break. Within a couple of minutes of stopping we heard a deer coming. It was a doe and she seemed to be looking for us as well. It seemed to me that the deer may have heard us and came looking for us. Maybe they just wanted to see Megan.

Megan deer hunting

Ryan sat in the hayfield and chased several does around but didn't get a shot.

This turned out to be the warmest day so it was an easy day to set out, but it was too warm for deer movement.

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