November 4th Deer Pictures

Over the last week the bucks must have been moving because we got pictures of a buck we have never seen before and we finally got some more pictures of a strange looking seven point we have been watching off and on the last three years.

We also got a chance to set in our stands and see some of these bucks. I had a fun experience with a can call and a couple of the bucks we have on our property.

The ten point we have been watching only showed up one time and the larger racked eight point we saw a couple of times didn't show up at all, so I would say these bucks are wandering elsewhere.

We also got more coyote pictures and a bobcat picture.

These pictures were taken with our StalkerCam, Trail Watcher 2060 and Woodland SpyCam.

Ten Point buck

This is the ten point buck we have been watching, but he only showed up one time this week. StalkerCam

Eight point whitetail buck

A nice close-up of one of our young eight point bucks. StalkerCam

Seven point buck

I don't normally include pictures from behind but this is the mysterious seven point buck that we have a hard time getting pictures of. StalkerCam

Whitetail Buck

Another one of our eight point bucks that shows some promise. I saw this buck in person on my morning hunt. Trail Watcher 2060

Split Brow Tine Ten Point Buck

This is the first time we have seen this buck and he looks like a nice mature buck. He showed up one other time this week. Trail Watcher 2060

Tall rack eight point buck

A nice young tall tined eight point. Trail Watcher 2060

Eight point buck

This is another one of our nice young eight point bucks. Woodland SpyCam

Nine point buck

Our regular nine point buck. Woodland SpyCam

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