October 14th Whitetail Deer PhotographsOctober 14th was the first day of bow season here in West Virginia. Ryan and I were out early and Ryan shot a nice doe. Our digital game cameras had showed us that deer were spending time at one of our mineral licks and food plots. Ryan picked his spot and was rewarded with a shot at a doe that was leaving the food plot and heading towards the mineral lick. Once again we didn't catch any wondering bucks that we hadn't caught before and we didn't even see others that we had pictures of previously. I'm thinking they should start traveling more soon. There is still one spike that had velvet on his "antlers" as of October 11th. It looked as though it was loose so he may have shed but it wouldn't surprise me if he still has the velvet next week. We got one real interesting picture this week and I'm not real sure what it is. Take a look at the second picture below. These pictures were taken with our Woodland SpyCam, EagleEye, homemade WhitetailCam and a Trail Watcher 2060.