October 14 Whitetail Photos

Another week and the bucks are now starting a little scraping activity.

We got the chance to do a little hunting and the deer put it to us again. On Friday evening Ryan saw seven bucks in the hayfield, two within feet, but drew a blank. I spent some time in a stand and had the company of one small doe.

On Saturday morning I saw the smaller ten point and an even smaller six point along with a couple of does and some turkeys. Ryan saw a five point and does.

We got some real nice pictures from our hayfield camera this week so we put another camera at the end of the field where two clumps of trees funnel the deer coming into the field from that direction.

We also put a camera on a scrape near an area we've had success in the past, but it's not the best setup....we'll see.

We also got some real good pictures of the big nine point from last year. This buck is bigger than we thought.

We didn't get any bobcats, black bear or coyotes pictures this time.

This weeks pictures were taken with our StalkerCam, Treebark Cameras 4.1, Trail Watcher 4220, Camtrakker Digital Ranger, Woodland SpyCam and Bigfoot SLE.

Eight point buck

The eight point with the long brow tines. One of the bucks Ryan saw on Friday. Trail Watcher 4220

Big nine point buck

This is the best picture we've captured of this buck this year. We didn't realize he was this big. Bigfoot SLE

Nine point buck

Here's a nice nine point we've been looking for and a nice spider web. Camtrakker Digital Ranger

One of our smaller bucks at a licking branch. Camtrakker Digital Ranger

Big ten point buck

The big ten point. We might be crazy, but we think we would like to let this one go until next year. Treebark Cameras 4.1

Ten point buck

Here is the smaller ten point that I saw on Saturday morning. Woodland Spycam

Seven point buck

Our favorite seven point. Ryan was up close and personal with this buck in the field Friday evening. StalkerCam

Big eight point buck

One eye and the seven point. I was hoping to get a look at these two bucks. StalkerCam

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