October 22nd Whitetail Deer Pictures

This album of Whitetail Deer Pictures contains digital scouting camera pictures taken the week before October 22, 2005. Over the last week our digital scouting cameras again took hundreds of pictures.

This was the second Saturday of bow season and I finally had a chance get into a treestand. Three of the bucks that we have photographed came to visit me and I also saw another one a couple of times when I was moving around.

We also saw signs that the bucks are starting to feel their oats so we may be seeing bucks moving around more and maybe even see some bucks from neighboring properties.

I haven't seen the first buck in our pictures this week but I'm looking forward to seeing this odd racked buck in person.

6 point whitetail buck

I really like these close-up pictures. I can zoom in close and keep very good detail. If a buck has any irregular points you could see them up this close.

8 point whitetail buck

I had the opportunity to see this 8 point buck from a treestand. His close rack looked to be no more than 10 inches wide.

seven point whitetail buck

It looks like this 7 point is licking his chops. I can't tell if he has a brow time or if he just has and odd bump sticking up off of his main beam.

two whitetail bucks

We are still getting pictures of two bucks together at the feeders. They are still tolerating each other.

9 point whitetail buck

We often see how curious deer are. Here this 9 Point buck is sniffing the tripod feeder leg.

whitetail doe

I don't know why we get pictures of deer looking straight at the cameras. The digital scouting cameras make very little noise, but maybe it is enough to catch their attention from time to time.

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