October 27th Deer Season Journal

After arriving late Friday night I got out of bed and headed for the oldhouse food plot/ feeder treestand. Shortly after arriving a young doe came in to eat and stayed for quite a while. About 20 minutes later the wide nine point buck came walking in the road. He approached to within about 15 yards of the feeder and stopped and tested the wind. He then turned around and headed into the woods in the other direction. A few minutes later I saw a buck coming from the general direction the nine point left and assumed that it was him. Once again I was wrong, it was the wide racked seven point buck we had been getting pictures of. This buck had decent body size and although his seven points aren’t of trophy proportions he looked as big as his pictures or bigger. This buck stayed for a good while before the windy conditions finally spooked him enough that he left.

This is a picture of the wide seven point buck that I watched Saturday morning. He looked better in person than some of his pictures make him look.

Wide seven point buck

After a couple of hours of these breezy conditions and a couple good buck sightings I decided it was time to start checking cameras and headed back for some lunch.

For the evening I decided to sit at the middle food plot/feeder area. Shortly after arriving at about 5:00PM I saw a doe walking along a flat a good ways below me. It was interesting how the doe seemed to look straight up at me from that long distance. I saw her first and was surprised that she looked up at me so quickly. I hadn’t even moved. I think the windy conditions had made her a little jumpy. Eventually she worked her way up the hillside to where I was sitting.

As I was watching the doe come up the hill I also noticed what I thought was a small buck coming along the same flat as the doe had come but form the other direction. The buck came to where the doe had come up the hill and followed here up the hill.

The doe arrived first and was very spooky although she eventually worked here way over to the feeder.

The buck eventually walked right under my stand where I realized he was the sticker point buck. Obviously I was surprised how small he looked when I first saw him over the hill. I think he looked small from the side because he doesn’t have very long tines but when you see him from the front or back his width makes him look better.

This buck stayed until after dark and eventually walked off as I was preparing to leave. I didn’t want to spook him bad and I don’t think I did. He just seemed to walk away although I really couldn’t see very well.

Here is the sticker point buck. His short tine length made me underestimate him when I first saw him.

Sticker point buck

Ryan spent the evening at the old house where he saw one doe.

We didn’t see much in the way of rutting activity. The sticker point buck did make a couple of small runs at the doe, but it seemed that he wasn’t real serious yet. It was almost as though he did it just to see her jump and run. On the other hand our bucks are covering a lot more territory so they are moving about more.

Although the wind made the deer a little jumpy we still saw three of the bucks we’d been getting pictures of. I can’t complain about the weather.

Read the October 30th Deer Season Journal.

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