October 27th Whitetail Deer Photographs

This is the fun time of the year for us digital game camera fanatics. The bucks are starting to move around and they've beefed up for the coming rut.

We got pictures of different bucks, pictures of a couple of bucks that we first saw the week before and another buck that we hadn't seen in a couple of months.

We also got a picture of another bobcat. Make sure you check out the bobcat pictures page. It is our best bobcat picture yet and you can see the squirrel that it is carrying.

We left six cameras out and expect to get more wandering bucks over the coming weeks.

These pictures were taken with our EagleEye, Trail Watcher 2040, Woodland SpyCam and a Trail Watcher 2060.

Seven point buck

This is the first picture that we've gotten of this seven point buck.

Wide eight point buck

This is the first week we've gotten a picture of this wide eight point buck. We think he may be a buck that we got a few pictures of earlier this year when he was still in velvet.

Big eight point buck

Our biggest eight point buck.

Sparring whitetail bucks

This is one of ten sparring sequences we captured with our cameras this week. It was interesting to note that it was not the biggest bucks that were in the sparring matches.

Nine point buck

Our regular nine point visitor with snow flurries falling. Once again we caught this buck on four different cameras in four different locations.

Eight point buck

This is a buck that we first saw last week but didn't get a good picture to post. He is a strange racked eight point. His G3 on the right side looks real small but his neck looks huge.

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