October 31st Deer Photos

We finally hit the time of year when the bucks have started to wander about. We got two pictures of bucks that we hadn't seen before and they are both nice bucks, unfortunately one of the pictures wasn't good enough to make this page. The other is a nice eleven point buck that you will see below.

Once again the tall ten point we were getting a lot of picures of earlier failed to show up. We had a tall eight point buck that dissapeared for a while last year and I'm starting to think that this could be the same buck. If it is, I sure wonder where he goes. Last year he showed back up after deer season had ended, maybe we'll see the tall ten point again later in December.

The rest of our regulars showed up this week and we have some nice pictures for you.

We got one new coyote picture make sure you check out the 2009 Coyote Pictures Page.

This weeks pictures were taken with our Treebark Cameras 4.1, Swamp Ghost, Bigfoot SLE and Camtrakker Digital Ranger.

Eleven Point Buck

Here is the eleven point buck that wandered onto our property this week. I would like to get a look at this buck. Bigfoot SLE

Sticker Point Buck

The buck we call sticker point. StalkerCam

Buck with bent antler tine

The buck with the bent antler must have heard the camera shutter open. StalkerCam

Yong eight point buck

A young eight point buck. Swamp Ghost

Seven point buck

The seven point buck and my little spike buddy. Treebark Cameras 4.1

Nine point buck

Here is a nice close picture of the nine point buck. Treebark Cameras 4.1

Little Spike

Me and my little spike buddy. Trail Watcher 2060

Eight point buck

I got a chance to see this eight point buck on Saturday morning. Trail Watcher 2060

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