October 4th Deer Pictures

We are in my favorite time of the year for deer pictures and also my favorite time to be in the woods. It's not hunting season yet but I still like being in the woods this time of the year.

We have seen several rubs and a few scrapes. I expect the rubbing activity to increase over the coming days and we should start seeing more scraping activity as well. We got several pictures at the two scrapes we were monitoring but none of them made the cut for this page. We didn't catch any different bucks at these scrapes this week.

We got pictures of all of the bucks we have been seeing including the ten point and the strange seven point buck that showed up recently. The seven point picture was a poor one but the ten point shows up below.

The apples trees have been a big draw for the deer and we've captured the biggest bucks under them looking for apples.

Chasing these bucks around with our digital trail cameras is almost as much fun as hunting itself and it sure makes me want to see these bucks in person.

These pictures were taken with our Wildview Xtreme 5, Trail Watcher 2060, Trail Watcher 2035, Woodland SpyCam and StalkerCam.

Eight point buck

Here is one of the young eight point bucks under an apple tree. StalkerCam

Sticker Point Buck

This is our biggest buck under the same apple tree. StalkerCam

Nine point whitetail buck

The nine point buck at the mineral lick again this week. Trail Watcher 2035

G2 Sticker Buck

This is one of our promising young bucks. Trail Watcher 2060

Fighting whitetail bucks

Here are the nine point buck and the sticker point buck eyeing each other up. Trail Watcher 2060

Buck fight

They finally take each other on, I'd sure like to know which buck won this one. Watcher 2060

Ten point whitetail buck

We got three pictures of this ten point buck this week. This is the best one. Wildview Xtreme5

Odd nine point buck

This is one of our neatest looking bucks. He has a deformed right antler base and a sticker point on his left base. Woodland Spycam

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