Penns Woods DS-07 Picture Quality

We have given the Penns Woods DS-07 an A for picture quality. As we had expected after using several other digital trail cameras that used Sony cameras and a couple others that used similar models to the Sony DSC-W55 in this camera. We knew that the picture quality would be good and we were not surprised.

If I had to be critical I could say that the picture quality does not quite stand up to those taken by the Sony S-600's, but that is nit picking, so let's not do that.

When I was looking for pictures to put on this page it was not difficult, but I did see that I need to clean off the outside glass on the case.

This camera takes good picture in both night and day as well as dawn and dusk.

I have included six pictures below for you to take a look at and you can also keep watching our picture pages where I expect we will be posting pictures from this camera from time to time.

Penns Woods DS-07 digital trail camera picture

Penns woods deer picture

Penns Woods DS-07 picture

DS-07 trail camera picture

Penns woods deer pictures

Penns woods digital trail camera deer picture

As you can see the Penns Woods DS-07 takes very good pictures.

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