June 25th Food Plot Update

The garden food plot had been mowed on June 17 with a garden tractor set up high and there was some grass that had grown back to about 12 inches high on this visit. The plot looks pretty good and is about 80 percent clover. We went ahead and mowed it again with the brush hog to knock back the few weeds and grass and hopefully the clover will thicken up after being mowed again.

Close up of the clover in the Garden Plot.

The deer are taking their toll on the old corn patch food plot. The clover inside of the exclusion cage was high and contained a few weeds. The rest of the plot was high and is about 50 percent clover and grass. I mowed the plot again with the brush hog but it's going to be hard for the clover to out grow the grass with the amount that the deer are using it.

Barn food plot

You can see the clover along with the weeds.

The whippoorwill food plot is leading the pack for replanting this fall. It looks like it's only reprieve will be if I decide to plant another new plot. The overseeding isn't showing any evidence of helping. The plot is probably only about 25 percent clover. I mowed it with a brush hog and put an exclusion cage in it to see if the clover will do better if left alone for a while.

Whippoorwill food Plot

The plot is green but most of it is weeds and grass.

The plot at the middle clearing looked a little better this week. It may be up to 50 percent clover and has some nice looking spots. I mowed this plot and put an exclusion cage in this plot also. It will be interesting to see if the clover takes off inside of the cage. I really don't have any idea how much the deer are using this plot right now but will be able to tell in a week or so.

Middle food plot

Middle Plot before it was mowed.

The plot at the old house still looks good. There are some grasses and weeds that have grown tall so I mowed them and tried not to mow the clover much again this time. This plot is by far the best plot and is also the biggest. This is probably telling us something. We went out to the plot late in the evening of the 24th and there was a deer eating in the plot.

Oldhouse food plot

You can see the clover inside and outside of the cage.

This has been a good spring for food plots as we have had a good bit of rain in this part of West Virginia this year.

I am wondering about the overseeding that I did in the spring. I overseeded each of the plots and have different success in each of them. I don't have any way of telling if the overseeding helped or not. I have one plot that is doing real good, which is also the biggest, one that is not doing well and is being taken over with grass, and two others that are in between. Unfortunately I am not able to tell if the overseeding has helped at all.

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