Predator Evolution Picture Quality

We have given the Predator Evolution a C- for picture quality.

I had higher hopes for the picture quality from this camera after reading the advertising, but there aren’t many improvements in the picture quality with the Predator. The biggest advantage is that you set up when the IR is used with this camera. This keeps the IR from ruining daylight pictures. The drawback to this is that as the amount of daylight changes you may need to keep changing these settings.

The daytime pictures are OK, very similar to the average or below average digital trail cameras on the market. The nighttime IR pictures are similar to the Leaf River IR pictures. I would call them poor pictures.

The Predator Evolution pictures do not blow up well so you can’t zoom in on a deer to get a better look. I’ve also noticed that some of the pictures blur on moving deer.

This first picture is one of the better pictures our Predator has captured and the second picture is typical of the daytime pictures.

As I continued to use this trail camera I became more unhappy with the pictures. There were several pictures where it took a picture of a buck but due to the poor quality we couldn't tell much about the buck at a time when we were wanting to identify individual bucks.

Predator Evolution buck picture

Predator Evolution daytime picture

This is one of the pictures where the moving deer blurred in the picture.

Predator Evolution blurry picture

The next two pictures were both taken at night with infrared.

Predator Evolution infrared buck picture

Predator Evolution infrared picture

The next two pictures have a red and green tint. These pictures seem to appear when the IR is just beginning to be used and then again in the morning when the IR stops being used.

Predator Evolution red picture

Predator Evolution green picture

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