Ryan's Deer Hunting Stories

My First Deer

When I shot my first deer I had never shot my gun before so I was a good bit nervous. My Dad and I walked down to where the deer were. He had to teach me how to shoot since I had never shot it before. I took aim up against the tree that was practically holding me up. I shot and hit her in the back so she wasn't dead. We had to shoot her again and then we gutted her out. My Dad said it was a pretty good shot because I had never shot the gun before. We had just ate so I thought I might loose my food I was so nervous.

My Spike

My Dad and I were sitting in the second story of an old barn at a place that we call the old house. We had been sitting there with my little sister and she got cold and bored so we had to take her back to the house.

When we got back to the old barn it was getting late and we waited about a half an hour until we started seeing deer moving.

We saw a couple of does that my Dad thought about shooting at and then we saw a small buck down in the woods out of one of the side windows. Somehow we lost sight of this deer despite our best efforts.

He must of circled around and ended up coming through the clearing right in front of us. Dad told me to wait and let him keep walking closer. I shot when he was only about 20 yards away and he took off into the woods.

We watched the direction that he went into the woods and we slowly started tracking him. It seemed like we tracked him for half an hour when we saw him get up and run a little ways. We finally saw him laying in a thick place looking at us and we finished him with one more shot.

The drag out of the woods wasn't very easy. We had to gut him and drag him out in the dark.

We were able to mount him and he now hangs in the basement.

The Hunt

One day when I was hunting with my Dad, a very cold day too, we were sitting in our new camo blind and we had taken some apples, candy bars, and a crossword puzzle book. While we were working on the crossword book a few deer showed up at the feeder. We didn't notice them until I looked out the peephole and saw them. I had my 410; my dad had his 30-06. He got his gun up and looked in his scope at the deer, they were both does so I got my gun up and ready to fire. My dad convinced me that before I shot I was well aimed, calm, and was having fun. My first shot flew over her back, but my second shot was perfect. She fell down like a rock. That was one day I personally, will never forget.

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