Saturday Buck Season UpdateRyan finally crawled out of bed early and went with me to the middle food plot/feeder blind. He still had visions of that wide racked 8 pointer in his head otherwise I don't think he would have rolled out of that warm bed. It was warmer than the day before but 19 degrees still isn’t very warm. We were in the blind before 7:00 and not long after we heard something walking in from behind us just like the 8 pointer had done the evening before. When it came out onto the logging road we saw that it was the 7 pointer that we had been seeing. It continued down the road before going into the woods and continuing on. Digital scouting camera pictures revealed that he went to the feeder at the oldhouse and had a snack. He showed up in the pictures there just before 8:00 AM. Why he walked past the feeder we were near and went to the other one is anyone’s guess. About 7:30 a button buck and a doe came to entertain us and later at least 25 turkeys came rolling in. We had some fun with the turkeys whistling back and forth with them. After Ryan got cold he went back to warm up and I wandered out to the oldhouse and got up into a treestand. Shortly after arriving a spike buck came into the clover patch and went into the woods behind me. I grunted at him and he seemed a little curious. A few minutes later I heard another deer in front of me and noticed a 3 point buck coming to see what was going on. I kept grunting to see if I could get something started between the two bucks. The 3 point stopped to rub a tree and slowly worked his way in the direction of the spike. They did eventually approach each other but didn't seem too interested in each other. I left this location to gather my camera at the bucket feeder where I jumped four does. I walked up on two that were bedded and we noticed each other at the same time. ![]()
The first week of deer season ended and I think that once again I’ve learned a couple of things. Although I really like setting in the blinds, I miss some of the action that goes on in the woods that I cannot see. The weather wasn't very conducive for treestand hunting but next year I'll try to make more of an effort to see more territory. There is no predictability to when and what time a particular buck may show up. As we let some of the bucks grow older they do some crazy things. I was about to give up on one buck that we had watched for two years until he showed up three times on digital scouting camera pictures the week before the rifle season opened. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get a look at him this week but knowing he was there helped me get out of bed. Throughout this week we never captured him on any of our scouting cameras but I have little doubt he is still out there somewhere.