Saturday November 12th Deer Season Update

Welcome to the Saturday November 12th Deer Season Update

After not seeing any mature bucks on Friday I hoped that Saturday would bring some sightings.

I sat in my stand that I had moved for gun season the day before. Shooting a deer wasn’t my highest priority; I just wanted to see what would show up this morning.

As it turned out I saw three bucks but again didn’t see any large bucks and, like Friday morning, none of them were real interested in eating. The three bucks included two spikes and a young six or eight point. I also saw one young doe that stopped at the mineral lick for a treat.

In the afternoon we relocated a couple more treestands for gun season. We also set up another automatic deer feeder using an old spinner feeder that we’ve had setting around for a while. We also gave up on our experimental bucket feeder to set this feeder up.

My Dad wanted to put this feeder up on the far end of our property that is bordered by some deep hollows. Although we know better, it’s fun to think that a huge deer will show up here from out of the hollows. We put one of our digital scouting cameras on the feeder to see what happens. I’ll be anxious to see the pictures when I get there next weekend.

It’s funny but this new feeder placement has already produced a big buck sighting. When Ryan and I went out to put out the scouting camera I walked over to the edge of the hillside to take a quick look and noticed a deer walking along one of the flats below. When Ryan came over to take a look two more deer busted out below us and one of them was the nine point that we have been getting pictures of but hadn’t seen for a couple of weeks. As we sat there over the next several minutes we saw two more bucks. Surely there was a hot doe down there wooing all of those bucks.

Hanging Deer Feeder

You can see the pretty blue sky behind Ryan hanging out of the tree. Over the hill behind him is where we saw the bucks running. This hill is so steep that you would have to think twice about shooting a deer down there. Back when I was a young buck I did just that. The small eight point buck died right in the creek bottom. I like to think I’m a little smarter than that now. (Don’t count on it.)

After this sighting we went on to set up our other cameras and move stands. At both locations deer showed up while we were doing this and Ryan put on a couple stalks to try to get a shot. He was unsuccessful but it’s all in the learning process.

By the end of the day we finally saw a mature buck and it was another great November day.

Our next whitetail hunting will be gun season, which starts on November 21st. I’ll have my digital camera so that I can take you all along with me.

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