HCO ScoutGuard SG550 Picture Quality

I have given HGO ScoutGuard SG550 picture quality a C grade. When I compared the pictures from this camera to the others they are quite similar to those taken by the Reconyx RC55.

As you may have read in the review the ScoutGuard is an infrared camera. Now I’ll admit that I’m not a fan of infrared due to the nighttime picture quality. I would simply rather have a good flash for my pictures.

The daytime pictures are okay, but still trail behind the daytime pictures taken by our best cameras, but the daytime pictures are acceptable and the color is good. The daytime pictures also do not blow up well. When you get to 100% they start to get grainy.

This camera also blurs some of the pictures of moving deer. This is not a severe problem, but again it is worse than the best cameras. The daytime pictures are good enough that I have to get picky to find a problem.

The three pictures below are examples of daytime pictures and one that shows the blur that sometimes shows up in the pictures.

ScoutGuard day picture

The infrared pictures are……….infrared pictures.

One of the problems I see is that the IR is washing out some of the pictures taken at dawn and dusk. You can see this in these two pictures taken at dawn and dusk.

ScoutGuard dawn picture

ScoutGuard dusk picture

The other thing I noticed about the IR pictures was that the infrared light seemed to light up a circular area that did not include the entire picture area. This picture is an example of this.

ScoutGuard IR picture

This final picture is an early morning infrared picture of two bucks fighting.

ScoutGuard buck fight picture

As you can see the pictures taken by the HCO ScoutGuard SG550 can vary from good to not so good. Keep watching our pictures pages to see if any ScoutGuard pictures make the cut.

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