September 1st Whitetail Deer Photos

We got a lot of interesting pictures again this week. I had always wanted to get a picture of a buck in the process of shedding its velvet and we finally got one this week. We got several pictures of the wide nine point buck with velvet hanging off of his antlers.

We had moved the exploration feeder to another location and got more good pictures. The close racked eight point buck that showed up last week was a regular at this feeder and even took a rest near it on two occassions.

We also got a picture of another small eight point buck exiting one of our food plots.

These pictures were taken with our Trail Watcher 2060, Woodland SpyCam, Camtrakker Digital Ranger, Cuddeback Expert.

Eight point buck

The close racked eight point buck. We'll be able to pick him out with that split in his ear.

Wide seven point buck

This wide seven point buck showed up at this location one time over the week. We had seen this buck before about a mile from this location.

Nine point buck

Here is the nine point buck with sticker points on his bases. Maybe we'll see what he looks like without velvet next week.

Ten point buck

The ten point buck in one of our food plots.

Nine point buck shedding velvet

Here is the wide nine point buck with velvet still hanging off of his left antler beam.

8 point whitetail buck

Here is a real close picture of a new young eight point buck. This camera took a series of three pictures of this buck, he got closer in each picture.

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