September 16th Whitetail Deer Photographs

Our cameras were out two weeks this time so we again had a lot of pictures to look over.

Through mid-September most of the bucks have shed their velvet but there are still a couple that have not yet shed. On my way to work on September 18th I saw a spike that still was in velvet.

One thing we saw this time was that the bent antler on the nine point fell off when his velvet shed. That’s a shame; it would have been interesting for him to have kept that bent antler.

We got another coyote picture this time. Make sure you go and take a look at the coyote pictures page. Once again it’s not the best picture but we’ll take anything we can get when it comes to coyotes.

Our last set of pictures showed a little more deer movement but we didn’t see that this time. I expect to see more buck activity over the coming month.

These pictures were taken with our Woodland SpyCam, Trail Watcher 2060 and a Penn's Woods Digital Scout.

Nine point whitetail buck

This is a young nine point buck that we have been seeing over the last month. He shows promise of growing into a nice buck over the years to come. Notice the buck behind him that has already shed his velvet.

Eight point buck

This is the other buck in the previous picture. He also shows promise with his width although he doesn’t yet show much height or mass.

Nine point buck

This is the nine point that had a bent antler. You can see that it is now broken off.

8 point buck

Here is the eight point we have been watching. We didn’t get any pictures of him without velvet yet. This particular picture makes his antlers look higher than we think they actually are, but still think it is an impressive looking picture.

Four point buck

A young four point buck at one of our mineral licks.

Seven point whitetail buck

This is the seven point that looks like he has a couple of sticker points on his bases. It will be interesting to get a close picture once his velvet is shed.

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