September 24th Whitetail Deer Pictures

This album of Whitetail Deer Pictures contains digital scouting camera pictures taken in the weeks before September 24, 2005. We weren’t able to get back to our cameras as soon as we had wanted to and found that for various reasons three of our five cameras had not taken any pictures at all. Fortunately two of our digital scouting cameras did fill their memory cards with some very interesting pictures.

Once again we were able to get pictures of a buck just before and after he shed his velvet. This process has proven to occur a lot quicker than I had previously thought.

We again saw bucks in places that we had not seen them regularly and we also caught one buck that we could not identify. It looks like they are starting to wander around a bit more.

Nine point in velvet

This picture was taken on September 6th showing the nine point buck still in velvet.

Nine point whitetail buck after shedding velvet.

Now on September 7th this same nine point buck has already shed his velvet and his antlers are still showing the blood stains. The time that elapsed between seeing this buck with velvet on and then with the velvet shed was less than 12 hours. This is much quicker than I would have ever thought a buck could completely shed his velvet. You will notice in the next pictures this same buck loses the red tint to his antlers over the coming days.

Eight point whitetail buck.

This is a buck that I do not recognize from any of our previous pictures. He was a pleasant surprise, we hope he sticks around. He looks to have good body size.

Nine and six point bucks.

This is the nine point buck about a week after he shed his velvet and the six point buck that usually hung around at the other feeder. It looks to me like the nine point is considerably bigger than the six point. There was an eight point around last year that was bigger than this nine point but we haven’t seen him yet this year. I think there will be little doubt if and when he does show up.

Spike buck eating leaves.

This is a spike with his early morning snack still hanging out of his mouth. He is leaving the feeder area and heading into the food plot.

Two whitetai bucks.

The nine point buck is on the right and I’m not quite sure which buck that is on the left. I think it is the seven point buck that usually gets photographed at the other feeder. Here again, the nine point appears to have a larger body.

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