September 4th Whitetail Deer Pictures

This album of Whitetail Deer Pictures contains digital scouting camera pictures taken in the weeks before September 4, 2005. We've been waiting for the bucks to start shedding their velvet and it is now happening and a lot quicker than we thought it would. I forgot to turn on the SpyCam when I left the week before so we missed a weeks worth of pictures at one of our feeders. When we finally did get some pictures we found that one buck had already shed its velvet.

The scouting camera that we put out at one of our food plots revealed some interesting things so we put two of them out on food plots this time to see what else we can get. The game camera that we put on a deer trail didn't take any pictures. I'm thinking that the batteries may be going dead so I replaced them and put it at some apple trees to see what happens.

Buck in velvet

The middle buck in this picture is a wide seven point still in velvet with no sign that he is about to shed his velvet.

Buck with red antlers

This is the same buck as the previous picture on the very next morning and he has shed his velvet. Notice the red coloration of his antlers. I'd not seen this color before, it must not last long after the velvet is shed. We got the last picture of this buck at 7:20 PM the night before in velvet and the first picture of him was at 6:36 AM the next morning without velvet. He completely shed his velvet in less than 12 hours.

Eight point whitetail buck

I had this camera at one of our food plots where it enters a hayfield. In six days I got 73 pictures with this scouting camera including pictures of three different bucks. Other than this small eight point in velvet I also got pictures of a spike in velvet and an eight point that had reddish colored antlers similar to the seven point above.

Three whitetail bucks

These bucks are at the wrong feeder again at 4:23 in the evening. It looks like the wide seven point, close eight point and the oddball six point. It's interesting how wide the antlers on the one buck look with his ears back and viewing him from the rear. I'm curious why these three bucks were out wandering around again.

Twin fawns

These two fawns look like lawn ornaments. I wander how late we will still be seeing spotted fawns.

Nine point buck

I blew this picture up a little so you can see the blood on his left antler. This picture was taken on the evening that I retrieved the scouting cameras. If I would have known how fast they shed their velvet I would have put a camera back out to try to get more pictures of him shedding but I didn't have a camera at this location for the next two days. Our next view of this buck will be without the velvet.

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