September 7th Whitetail Deer PhotosSince we had just put our cameras out on Monday and gathered them again on Friday we only had them out for four days so we didn't have quite the number of pictures that we would have for a whole week. We also didn't get any new buck pictures with our bucket feeder this week, but we think we have it in a good spot for the coming week. We also got a second buck with shed velvet. This time it's the ten point buck. We're still waiting for the rest of the bucks to shed although we did see a small buck without velvet that showed up near the house in the evening. We didn't get any pictures of a couple of bucks that we'd been seeing over the last two weeks, but we think our latest bucket feeder location may pick them back up again. These pictures were taken with our Camtrakker Digital Ranger, Cuddeback Expert and homemade WhitetailCam P41. ![]()