Woodland SpyCam Picture Quality

On the game camera review I gave the Woodland SpyCam an A for picture quality. This deer camera has not taken a bad picture to date, it takes very good pictures.

The glass on the SpyCam is treated with Rain-X to try to keep water from forming droplets on the glass. Water drops on the glass are a common problem with all digital scouting cameras. I should try this with my other digital scouting cameras.

The pictures we’ve taken with the SpyCam have all been very good. The Sony 4.1 mega pixel camera takes excellent pictures during any time of the day. The following pictures were taken at night, dawn, daylight and at dusk.

SpyCam nighttime deer picture

SpyCam deer picture at dawn

SpyCam daylight picture

SpyCam picture at dusk

There isn't much to say about the picture quality of the SpyCam other than it is very good.

You will be seeing many more excellent pictures taken by the Woodland SpyCam on the Whitetail Deer Photographs Pages over the coming months.

nine point whitetail buck

Bucks in velvet

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