StalkerCam Picture Quality

The StalkerCam picture quality grade is an easy A. Since we already have a Sony S600 camera in our Trail Watcher 2060 we knew what we were going to see in the StalkerCam and we have not been disapointed.

We did get a little bit of flash bleed when we first recieved the camera, but a small black foam o-ring placed around the flash hole fixed this problem and we shouldn't see the flash bleed again.

One of the things we like about the Sony S600 is that it has a larger flash than the other digital cameras in our trail cams. This gives us a little more flash range which is especially nice in food plots.

This first picture was taken when we were still getting flash bleed.

StalkerCam picture with flash bleed

The next two pictures were taken after I added the washer to the flash hole.

The first picture is a good example of how far the flash reaches out. The deer in the background is farther away than most cameras will light up.

The second picture is a night time picture of one of our bigger bucks.

StalkerCam flash reach

StalkerCam big buck

The next three pictures were taken in daylight. The first was taken in the morning and the last two were taken in the early evening.

StalkerCam eight point buck

StalkerCam bucks

StalkerCam five point buck

You can see that the StalkerCam takes great pictures. Watch for more pictures on our picture pages.

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