Stealth Cam Picture Quality

As you can see on the review page I gave the Stealth Cam Picture Quality a C.

This grade puts the Stealth Cam picture quality right behind the three cameras that use real digital cameras and the Cuddeback 3.0. I would still rather have the units with a real digital camera in it but this one is not as bad as some of the other cams.

There are three issues that I see right now that drop the Stealth Cam below the A grade units. The first is that the pictures are a little dark. The flash doesn’t seem to have the range of the better units and even the dawn and dusk pictures are not bright. Most of the pictures generally lack brightness. Recently we have also recieved pictures that are completely black. These pictures are not just due to a poor flash, they are just completely black. I have tried to lighten them up and there is nothing in the picture.

stealth cam picture

stealth cam picture

You can see that these pictures are not real bad; they just do not have the brightness of the better digital scouting cameras.

The second issue is the color. Similar to the lack of brightness, the color is just a little off. This is hard to explain, take a look at the pictures below.

seven point whitetail

stealth cam picture

Again you can see that the colors are just a little off. Most pictures are OK, the brightness and color just are not as good as the A grade units.

I also have two other issues with the Stealth Cam pictures. The large blue date and time stamp takes up a large portion of the bottom of each picture. As I get older I appreciate larger print but I want to see the deer.

stealth cam pictures

stealth cam pictures

You can see if the Stealth Cam is set up at a feeder the numbers can block their heads. This can be frustrating if you are looking for points on a rack.

In addition, there is a problem in viewing thumbnail images in the two photo software packages that I use. For some reason the thumbnails that show up are pictures from other cameras from the same file. I have no idea why this happens but it makes it difficult to scan through pictures quickly.

On the good side the pictures are crisp enough that they can be blown up to see greater detail. I really like to do this, especially when looking at a bucks antlers or a deer that is farther away.

stealth cam Photos

stealth cam photographs

All black Stealth Cam picture

This is one of the all black pictures that we are now recieving from the Stealth Cam. We had 24 of these black pictures out of 167 pictures over a two week period in April.

Overall the pictures are not bad. It isn’t a camera that you would use for photo quality pictures but you will get a pretty good look at your deer herd.

I was glad to see that one of the mass marketed digital scouting cameras had finally made improvements in picture quality even though there is still room for improvement.

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