Stealth Cam I390 Picture Quality

We have given the Stealth Cam I390 a C for picture quality. As the C would denote there is nothing real good with the pictures and there isn't anything real bad with the pictures. Generally the pictures are OK and you can see what is in the picture.

There are some times at dawn and dusk when the pictures were a little dark due to the flash not going off and the picture color is not as good as the best cameras and even some of the other major manufactured cameras. The flash on the I390 also washes out deer that are too close. This isn’t as bad as some of the other cameras because the deer has to be pretty close to be washed out, whereas there is one camera we have that washes out animals at quite a distance.

These pictures were taken at dawn or dusk and are a little dark.

Stealth Cam picure at dusk

Stealth Cam picture at dawn

This is a picture of a deer that is close and washed out by the flash.

Washed out Stealth Cam picture

The following pictures were taken in the daylight and in the dark and show that the pictures are generally good but do not have the good color quality and brilliance of the better cameras.

Daytime Stealth Cam picture

Stealth Cam picture of two bucks

Stealth Cam daytime buck picture

Overall the pictures are OK, there isn’t anything real good or real bad with them.

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