Swamp Ghost Picture Quality

I have given the Swamp Ghost an A for picture quality. The pictures taken by the Swamp Ghost are not bad pictures, they just do not have the brightness and crisp color of those we have seen taken by some of our other cameras. The picture quality from the Nikon CoolPix L11 does not seem to be as good as the picture quality of the Sony cameras that are in some of our other cameras.

Once again, I do not want to make you think these pictures are bad, they just are not as crisp and brilliant as others we have seen. As I have used this camera more over the months I have realized that the picture quality is not as bad as I had initially thought, which allowed me to give this camera an A for picture quality.

The following six pictures are example pictures from varying times of the day and night to give you an idea of the picture quality from this unit. If you follow our deer pictures pages you have probably noticed that there have been quite a few pictures from the Swamp Ghost on this pages. Stay tuned for more.

Swamp Ghost picture

Swamp Ghost trail camera picture

Swamp Ghost picture quality

Swamp Ghost example picture

Picture from a Swamp Ghost trail camera.

Swamp Ghost trail cam picture

As you can see the pictures from the Swamp Ghost with the Nikon camera are good pictures, but if you compare them to some of our other cameras you can also see that they are not the highest quality that we have seen.

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