Talon Extreme Picture Quality

The picture quality grade for the Recon Outdoors Talon Extreme has been a difficult decision. The unit is an IR camera with no flash that takes color pictures in the daytime. The difficulty has been that we seldom got color daytime pictures. It seemed that the IR kicked in at the first hint of low light. We finally decided to give the Talon Extreme a C for picture quality.

I’ll have to admit that I’m not an IR camera fan. I guess that I’ve seen so many excellent quality pictures that it may make me a little harder to please.

You can see the pictures and the deer and the pictures blow up OK for taking a closer look at antler characteristics, but they're just not good sharp pictures.

The pictures that the Talon Extreme does take in the daytime are not as good as I expected. The few non-IR pictures that we got are generally a little off color. They often had a green tint and some had a red tint. The red tint may have been due to the IR going off in the daytime.

The IR quit working on the Talon Extreme and at that point we did get some color pictures so we were able to evaluate the color picture quality with those pictures.

Below we’ll try to show you a few sample pictures including both the IR and a couple of daytime pictures.

Talon Extreme picture 1

Talon Extreme picture 2

Talon Extreme picture 3

Talon Extreme picture 4

Talon Extreme picture 5

The IR on our Talon Extreme quit working after about one month so we only got a few sets of pictures to evaluate the IR function, but we did keep the camera out for a couple more weeks giving us the opportunity to see exactly what the non-IR pictures looked like. This picture was taken after the IR quit working.

Talon Extreme picture 6

As I said previously this was a very difficult grade to give. The bottom line was that we did get pictures from the Talon Extreme that we could see and blow up. We didn’t get blank pictures or pictures that we just couldn’t see. What we did get was a lot of IR pictures and daytime pictures that were off-color.

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