Thursday Buck Season Update

I started Thursday back at the blind near the end of our property at about 7:00AM. I still can’t get Ryan out of bed in the morning. Two does entertained me over an hour and a half. The digital scouting camera revealed that the 7 point buck had showed up overnight. He seems to be visiting all of the feeders.

I decided to take a walk out through the woods to the point and see what may be wandering around out there. When I arrived at the point I ran into a couple of does just as the weather turned nasty. My plans to peer over the western side dissolved in a hard driving snow/sleet from the west. Instead I turned the other direction and went around the eastern side of the point. When I got to the point where I could see the bank on that side a buck jumped and started over the hill. He paused on the flat below before continuing on around the flat in the other direction. He looked to be the seven point that I had seen on the digital scouting camera photos.

After sitting on the eastern side for an hour in all types of precipitation I decided to try to slip around to the western side again. Of course as I approached snow started coming straight at me again. I guess I just wasn’t supposed to spend time on this side of the hill.

As the temperatures dipped into the teens Ryan and I spent a couple of hours before dark at the middle feeder/food plot area. The dropping temperatures left the zipper frozen shut on the blind. Fortunately Ryan was able to unzip and climb in through one of the windows and unzip the doorway for me, not that I couldn’t have fit through the window myself.

The temperature continued to drop as we waited and not a single deer showed up to entertain us.

It turned out to be a wet and cold Thanksgiving Day with few deer sightings but supper was excellent.

Seven point buck at feeder

This is the seven point buck that I jumped and that also showed up on the scouting cameras at all three feeders. In this picture he is at a feeder just up the hill from where I jumped him. Notice the time on the photo is 8:43. I ran into him about 9:15.

Read the Friday Update.

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