Timber Eye Picture Quality

I have given the Timber Eye an F for picture quality. Through the first 118 pictures the Timber Eye has taken in the first few weeks it hasn’t taken what I would consider a good picture. I have never been a fan of infrared pictures but this camera also has very poor daytime picture quality and the nighttime pictures aren’t any better.

It has been hard to tell if the camera is in white flash mode or infrared mode in the nighttime pictures. I had hoped that this camera would be a good option for those that want an infrared camera for certain situations and a regular flash for good nighttime wildlife pictures. This isn’t the camera for that. It seems to be confused about whether it is an IR camera or a white flash camera and doesn’t do a good job at either.

It is hard to describe what the pictures look like and it is hard to tell when the pictures were taken in daylight or darkness. We’ve also been getting some pictures that are just black and some that seem to be washed out.

I’m not going to show any of the completely black pictures, I’m sure you can use your imagination to picture what an all black picture looks like.

This first picture is the best picture the Timber Eye has taken.

Timber Eye best picture

These next three pictures are also some of the best pictures the Timber Eye has taken, but these pictures are above average for this camera.

Timber Eye doe picture

Timber Eye close up deer

Timber Eye deer picture

This picture is an example of the pink color that we are getting in some of the daytime pictures. It makes it look like it has been snowing.

Timber Eye pink deer picture

This is one of the washed out pictures. So far we've gotten quite a few pictures like this.

Timber Eye washed out deer picture

When I looked at the pictures I picked for this page I thought that maybe the F was a little harsh, but these are actually some of the best pictures the Timber Eye has taken. The large number of black, washed out and very poor pictures I see when I look at all of them send me right back to the F. In the 51 pictures taken the week prior to July 1st by the Timber Eye 6 were black and 15 were washed out. This accounts for 21 of the 51 pictures taken.

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