Trail Watcher 2035 Picture Quality

We gave the Trail Watcher 2035 an A for picture quality. The pictures are real good and would stack up well with any of the other cameras we’ve tested so far that use a Sony camera and are better than those using the Sony S40. The Trail Watcher 2035 uses a Sony W35.

The only problem with these pictures is that there are small shadows in the lower corners of the night pictures. This effect is similar to the Camtrakker but not as bad. It does not take up enough of the picture to be a problem.

The Trail Watcher 2035 doesn’t take bad pictures.

This first picture was taken in the early evening with the flash.

Trail Watcher nine point buck

The next two pictures were taken with plenty of sunshine in the morning.

Trail Watcher seven point buck picture

Trail Watcher nine point picture

These two pictures were taken at night with one deer closer and one deer a little farther away. You can also see the shadows in the lower corners.

Trail Watcher five point buck picture

Trail Watcher 2035 night picture

You can see that the Trail Watcher 2035 takes real nice pictures.

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