Trail Watcher 2060 Picture Quality

We gave the Trail Watcher 2060 an A for picture quality. This was one of the toughest picture quality grades that I had to decide upon. The pictures from the original Trail Watcher 2060 were better than any of the other cameras I have tested to date in the daytime, dawn and dusk. The quality and color was simply brilliant. On the other hand, this Sony cam had a similar problem to the Penn’s Woods Digital Scout in its night time pictures. Flash pictures at night were often a little fuzzy and weren’t clear when blown up. In December the Sony S600 started having shutter problems and the manufacturer sent me another S600. This new camera is not having these focus problems at night.

One thing we have noticed with this game cam is that the flash is stronger than all of our previous cams. The 2060 lights up deer several feet farther out into the food plots than the other cams.

So far I don’t have a cam that will beat the quality of this camera.

trail watcher 2060 buck picture

Trail Watcher 2060 deer at mineral lick

Trail Watcher picture of a spike at mineral lick

Trail Watcher 2060 picture in bright sunlight

The two pictures below are from the old camera. You can see that they are a little fuzzy.

Trail Watcher 2060 buck at night

Trail Watcher 2060 night time doe picture

The next three pictures are from the new Sony S600 that is now in the 2060. The second picture is a blow up of the first one. You can see how it now holds the quality.

Trail Watcher new buck picture

Trail Watcher close up picture

Trail Watcher 4 Point buck

The pictures we are now getting are great pictures but we're not sure why the older camera was taking fuzzy pictures although we tried it in several different places. The important thing is that it is now taking great pictures.

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