Treebark Cameras 4.1 Picture Quality

The picture quality grade for the Treebark Cameras 4.1 is an A. The Sony DSC-P41 takes very good quality pictures as we expected after using the same camera in both the EagleEye and WhitetailCam P41 trail cams.

In both daylight and night the pictures are very crisp and clear.

I have added six pictures below showing both daylight and night so that you can see what the pictures from this camera look like. Notice in the third picture that the sun is setting in the background. When a good camera is used I have to worry less about making sure the camera is pointing north or south. Sometimes the direct sunlight will ruin a picture with a good camera, but often we get very interesting pictures in direct light. Another sunset picture is included on the April 27th deer pictures page.

Treebark Cameras picture

Treebark Cameras

Treebark camera sunset picture

Treebark Cameras picture quality

Treebark picture

Treebark Cameras picture

As you can see the pictures from the Treebark Cameras 4.1 are very good pictures.

You can keep watching our deer pictures pages for more pictures from this camera and the others that we test and use throughout the year.

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