Tuesday Deer Season Update

I started Tuesday nestled in a blind at 6:25 AM at the middle food plot/feeder area. It was dry when I left the house but shortly after arriving at the blind it started to rain. I was glad I wasn't setting in a treestand.

Shortly after 7:00 AM a 7 point buck showed up, the same 7 point that we have been seeing on our digital scouting cameras. He was soon followed by a doe and a button buck.

As I was watching the 7 point in the binoculars I saw a set of antlers bobbing up and down towards the other deer through the woods. As he approached closer I realized that he was only using three legs.

He was holding his right front leg up and not touching it to the ground.

After a lot of deliberation I decided that the best thing to do was go ahead and shoot him.

He turned out to be the deer that we had been seeing and knew him as the close racked 8 point. This definitely wasn't one of the deer that I was looking to shoot.

He weighed in at 115 pounds and sported a huge 9 3/4 inch inside spread. We'll age him when we cape him.

When we finally got the buck in the barn we discovered that he had a broadhead stuck in his leg. Although I still debated whether or not I should have shot him it was probably the best thing to do.

I went back out and set up our ladder stand and sat in the blind at the oldhouse. Once again the only visitor was a spike buck and eight turkey gobblers.

It did everything including rain, snow and sleet today and the temperature seemed to fall as the day progressed.

This young deer that weighed in at 115 pounds let us know that the other deer that we have been seeing, that are much bigger, must weight considerably more. Hopefully we can run into one later this week and weigh them too.

Update: I finally had a chance to age this buck and have placed him in the 2 1/2 year old age class. It's a shame he was wounded, it would have been nice to see how big he could have become.

Eight point whitetail buck

This deer only went about 20 yards over this hill before it died but it was a tough drag in the damp leaves. We were thankful for the log that stopped him.

Read the Wednesday update.

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